Asinara Park

Political organs

At the center of the organizational system of Law 394/91 (the framework law on Protected Areas), a specific governing authority is identified, which is responsible for pursuing the purposes established by the law and ensuring the integral protection of the natural heritage present in the territory of the protected area. This authority is the Park Authority, which has personality under public law, legal and administrative headquarters in the park territory, and is under the supervision of the Minister of the Environment.

They are part of the Body:

(a) the president
(b) the Governing Council
(c) the executive council
(d) the board of auditors
(e) the park community 

The institutional bodies of Asinara Park:

Not yet nominated

Extraordinary commissioner
Gian Carlo Gavino Muntoni

Governing Council
Not yet nominated

Executive Council
Not yet nominated

Board of Auditors
Giovanna Pasqualina Sechi – President
Salvatore Chirra – Component
Giorgio Alimonda – Component    

Park Community
Cristian Solinas – President of the Region of Sardinia
Pietro Fois – Extraordinary administrator of the Province of Sassari
Massimo Mulas – Mayor of the Municipality of Porto Torres

Technical organs

Vittorio Gazale:

Administrative and financial office
Gian Luca Idini:
Anna Maria Masala:

Office of Marine and Land Resources
Aldo Zanello: 340 181.3501 –

Technical Office
Gavino Moro:
Phone +39 079503388

Address Type To whom is it addressed? electronic mail to all certified electronic mail all holders of certified mail

Public opening hours:
Monday 10 a.m.-12 p.m;
Tuesday 10 a.m. – 12 noon and 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m.-12 noon;
Thursday 10 a.m. – 12 noon and 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m.-12 noon.

Public Relations Office
The Public Relations Office of the Asinara National Park and Marine Protected Area “Isola dell’Asinara”, in the framework of its action, complies with the following principles:

  • Ensure the exercise of the rights of information, access and participation set forth in Law Aug. 7, 1990, no. 241, as amended;
  • Facilitate the use of services offered to citizens, including through the explanation of regulatory and administrative provisions, and information on the structures and tasks of the administrations themselves;
  • Implement, through listening to citizens and internal communication, the processes of verification of the quality of services and user satisfaction with them;
  • Ensure mutual information between the public relations office and other structures operating in the administration, as well as between the public relations offices of different administrations.
  • Constantly update the Entity’s website.

Desk: The public is received daily from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Park Authority headquarters, via Ponte Romano , Porto Torres (SS)
Phone: (+39) 079 50 33 88
Fax: +39) 079 50 14 15
E-mail: (non-certified, addressed to all)
Pec: (certified, targeting all certified mail holders)

Regular mail: Ente Parco Nazionale dell’Asinara – AMP “Isola dell’Asinara” via Ponte Romano 81, 07046 – PORTO TORRES (SS). ITALY

It is recommended to always include:

  • Name and Surname of the person reporting;
  • Address;
  • Authorization to the processing of personal data by the Asinara National Park Authority stating that I have read the information D.Lgs n.196/2003.
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