Asinara National Park


This Specification has been approved by favorable Opinion of the Reserve Commission dated September 19, 2022, with Nulla Osta from the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security prot. n. 1022 of 2023 and by Determination of the Director of Asinara National Park – Asinara Island Marine Protected Area No. 211 of May 11, 2023.

It consists of the following annexes:

Supplementary Specification to the Regulations of the MPA Asinara Island. Year 2023

Penalty table 2023.

In order to issue permits, the applicant should use the dedicated application portal.

To access the portal, go to the link for
Instances On Line

ATTENTION For the services of:

TRANSPORTATION IN ZONE C AND ACCESS CORRIDORS IN ZONE B: Only one permit still remains available (updated 05/26/2023)

Instanze On Line portal FAQ:

How to access the Istanze On Line service

If you are a Sole Proprietorship, log directly into the Avvio Istanze On Line service through SPID and proceed with filling out the application.

If you are a Company, Cooperative or other access the Online Services Enrollment Request service and fill out the form to request access credentials. Once you have obtained your credentials via e-mail, log in to the Start Instances Online service and proceed with filling out the application.

Uploading attachments to the permit application

Documents to be attached to the authorization request should be saved by naming them without spaces between words. Example: the identity document should be named “documentodiidentity,” the fulfillment of the stamp duty should be named “marcadabollo,” and so on.

These Specifications were approved by Resolution no. 04/2020 of the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Asinara National Park Authority consists of the following attachments:

Attachment A: Application for Authorization for Provisional Access of Motorized Vehicles in Asinara National Park. REPLACED BY ONLINE INSTANCES MODE

Attachment B: Application for Authorization to Operate Park Visiting Services.

Annex C: Application for Authorization to Perform Tourism Activity Services;

Attachment D: Application for inclusion in the official list of Exclusive Guides of Asinara National Park.


In order to issue provisional access permits for motorized vehicles in Asinara National Park, the applicant should use the dedicated portal for applications. This modality replaces Annex A.

To access the portal go to the Home page of the Park’s website, Public Notice Board from 16/01/2018, Instances On Line

Here is link:

The submission of other applications for the awarding of the Authorizations indicated in the Specifications (All. B, C and D), should be made exclusively by e-mail to:

Thanks are expressed for cooperation.

We kindly remind that all interested parties who wish to apply for fruition activities should take a look at the National Park Regulations and Disciplines
(to view the Park Regulations click here)

Supplementary Regulations to the Asinara National Park Regulations Year 2020 (767232 Kb)

Attachment B: Services to Park Visitors (70144 Kb)

Annex C: Revised Tourism Activities (70144 Kb)

Attachment D_Subscription List of Official Park Guides (39424 Kb)

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