Earth Goal 2021

writings by march 21


Deadline extended to enter contest dedicated to Italy’s Protected Areas. Federparchi and Fiaba Onlus’ “Inclusive Parks” award again this year.

Still time to register for the 12th edition of “Objective Earth” 2021, the geographic-environmental photography contest sponsored by UniVerde Foundation and Italian Geographical Society Onlus, dedicated to the defense and enhancement of the environmental heritage, landscape, villages, peculiarities and wine and food, agricultural, craft, historical-cultural and social traditions of the National, Regional, InterregionalParks, Marine Protected Areas, Stateand Regional Reserves. The objective of the contest is to promote the spread of a model of environmentally sustainable and responsible tourism.

The competition award ceremony will be held on April 22, 2021 to celebrate the 51st World Earth Day. “Objective Earth” 2021 is promoted with the main partnership of Cobat, the large Italian circular economy platform, and with the digital partnership of Bluarancio.

Amateurs can still participate by March 21, 2021, by submitting a color image taken in a National, Regional, Interregional Park, Marine Protected Area or Reserve, State or Regional. Mother Earth Day Award: to the winner of “Obiettivo Terra” 2021, in addition to the first prize of € 1,000 (one thousand euros) and the honor of seeing the blow-up of their photo displayed to the public in one of Rome’s central squares, will be given a souvenir plaque by the promoters and dedicated the cover of the volume “Obiettivo Terra 2021: Italy loved by Italians.”

Contest. It is open to all citizens, both Italian and foreign, resident or domiciled in Italy who are 18 years of age or older by February 2, 2021. Participation is totally free, just register on the portal
and upload a color photograph, according to the technical characteristics provided in the contest rules. Only one photo per participant may be submitted.

Also established is the “Inclusive Park 2021” Award, in collaboration with FIABA Onlus and Federparchi, to the Protected Area that has most distinguished itself in promoting accessibility and usability for people with disabilities and reduced mobility.

Mentions and Special Mentions. In addition to the first prize, the winners of the Mentions for each of the following categories will be selected from the eligible photos: Trees and Forests; Animals; Coastal Area; Rivers and Lakes; Agricultural Landscape – 2021 International Year of Fruit and Vegetables; Geological Heritage; Sustainable Tourism. Special Mentions were also established for this edition: Villages (to the most beautiful photo of a village within a Protected Area, in collaboration with the Association “Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages“); Objective Sea (to the best underwater photo taken in a Marine Protected Area, in collaboration with Marevivo); Rome Lens (to the most beautiful photo taken in the Protected Areas of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital); Parks from the Sky (to the most beautiful photo taken with a drone in Protected Areas to celebrate 2021 International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with Cobat)

Deadline extended to enter contest dedicated to Italy’s Protected Areas. Federparchi and Fiaba Onlus’ “Inclusive Parks” award again this year.

Still time to register for the 12th edition of “Objective Earth” 2021, the geographic-environmental photography contest sponsored by UniVerde Foundation and Italian Geographical Society Onlus, dedicated to the defense and enhancement of the environmental heritage, landscape, villages, peculiarities and wine and food, agricultural, craft, historical-cultural and social traditions of the National, Regional, InterregionalParks, Marine Protected Areas, Stateand Regional Reserves. The objective of the contest is to promote the spread of a model of environmentally sustainable and responsible tourism.

The competition award ceremony will be held on April 22, 2021 to celebrate the 51st World Earth Day. “Objective Earth” 2021 is promoted with the main partnership of Cobat, the large Italian circular economy platform, and with the digital partnership of Bluarancio.

Amateurs can still participate by March 21, 2021, by submitting a color image taken in a National, Regional, Interregional Park, Marine Protected Area or Reserve, State or Regional. Mother Earth Day Award: to the winner of “Obiettivo Terra” 2021, in addition to the first prize of € 1,000 (one thousand euros) and the honor of having the blow-up of their photo displayed to the public in one of Rome’s central squares, will be given a souvenir plaque by the promoters and dedicated the cover of the volume “Obiettivo Terra 2021: Italy loved by Italians.”

Contest. It is open to all citizens, both Italian and foreign, resident or domiciled in Italy who are 18 years of age or older by February 2, 2021. Participation is totally free, just register on the portal
and upload a color photograph, according to the technical characteristics provided in the contest rules. Only one photo per participant may be submitted.

Also established is the “Inclusive Park 2021” Award, in collaboration with FIABA Onlus and Federparchi, to the Protected Area that has most distinguished itself in promoting accessibility and usability for people with disabilities and reduced mobility.

Mentions and Special Mentions. In addition to the first prize, the winners of the Mentions for each of the following categories will be selected from the eligible photos: Trees and Forests; Animals; Coastal Area; Rivers and Lakes; Agricultural Landscape – 2021 International Year of Fruit and Vegetables; Geological Heritage; Sustainable Tourism. Special Mentions were also established for this edition: Villages (to the most beautiful photo of a village within a Protected Area, in collaboration with the Association “Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages“); Objective Sea (to the best underwater photo taken in a Marine Protected Area, in collaboration with Marevivo); Rome Lens (to the most beautiful photo taken in the Protected Areas of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital); Parks from the Sky (to the most beautiful photo taken with a drone in Protected Areas to celebrate 2021 International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with Cobat)

to download the RULES click here

The photo is the winning one from the 2020 edition, from the ObiettivoTerra website: author Samuele Parentella.

source: FEDERPARKS website

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